Advanced analysis methods for the design of transmission line structures

Built more than 60 years ago, the first power lines in Canada are reaching the end of their useful life as the demand for electricity continues to grow. To meet the many challenges of managing transmission line networks in the coming decades, the field of line structure engineering must implement many innovative solutions. This research partnership aims to develop advanced analysis methods applied to the field of overhead power line structures and to advance the design methods currently used in this field. The proposed research programme includes ten complementary projects that will study various problems experienced by line designers. These projects are divided into three research areas. The first axis concerns the structural analysis and design of line supports using advanced methods of numerical simulations, experimental tests and hybrid simulations (numerical + experimental). The study of the long-term elongation (creep) and life span of conductor cables is the subject of the second line of research. Finally, the response of the lines when subjected to wind loads is studied in the third axis. This work will make it possible to identify innovative solutions to optimise both the design of new lines and interventions on existing lines.

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